Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nuclear Terrorism by Proxy

War by proxy and denial

Suicide nuclear warfare by proxy is the greatest threat the world has ever faced. We know well the history of religious conflict – one war after another by extremists wanting to convert the world by coercion to the true God.

And now Islamic terrorist states are using suicide bombers to commit atrocities while denying complicity. How can a democracy know for sure who initiated attacks. It creats the inability to strike back .

There are dire consequences - nuclear weapons are about to be introduced, Kamikaze nuclear warfare by proxy could be our undoing. Don’t kid yourself; such a strategy can beat us.

If stateless bombers get nuclear bombs we can be blackmailed us out of our standing army if we cannot retaliate. 1945 Japan could not retaliate and lost her military might instantly by nuclear coercion. America could not retaliate against a nuclear powered bin Ladin; we don’t know where he is.

“Massive Denial”
Americans are suffering from massive denial. We are bickering about political correctness. As a result we could actually lose this war. That is not hyperbole. Americans better start paying attention.

The population is easily manipulated with passed along propaganda. If enemy distortions are taken seriously it will give the United States or any free country difficulty in self defense.

It is the natural tendency of democracies that truly exercise the will of the majority to want peace. And though we all love our country we must recognize that liberty and free speech makes propaganda a considerable weapon against democracy.

Intellectuals who call themselves (d) democrats are supporting proxy denial by taking it seriously. They argue that it is patriotic to speak out against the war.But they deliver a cloud of truths mixed with enemy lies and deception taken seriously. They unintentionally, at best, create hesitation and doubt and finally, resignation and capitulation.

Attribution is the most important element of self-defense. You must be able to stop the shooter. To counter attribution, terrorist states are using a simple proxy strategy to hide their commission of attrocity. Without attribution capability small nations can defeat great nations: If you don’t know where to hit back you are blind.

Denial is also a form of blindness. The world is whistling past the graveyard hoping Islamic radicalism is regional and will be contained by negotiation and appeasement. And though your life, your children’s life or even their own life mean little to those on a holy mission, every atrocity by these monsters is explained away. Faced with this horrendous enemy we remain divided.

“Beyond the Middle East”

The Islamic revolutionary movement has aspirations beyond the Middle East. Yet sophist politicians, maneuvering for political gain, manipulate voters with outright denial of the reality that we are at war with religious bigots – murderous, brutes intolerant of any other way of life than Islam.
When Americans realize that we might lose, maybe they will start paying attention. Let us hope it is not too late that we see the barbarians at the door – realize that they are about to go nuclear. And realize that we are in a difficult fight that needs unity to prevail.

If the Jihad gets nukes they will attempt a Hiroshima-Nagasaki style coercion of our standing army. There is no practical way to hit terrorists back and be assured of stopping multiple WMD attacks.

  • Suicide delivery needs no missile. The shooter could be in Australia, Greenland or even Memphis controlling detonations made possible by the Information and Atomic ages combined with the tactic of proxy suicide delivery.

    The winning strategy for a nation who desires our destruction:
  • Keep the plan secret.
  • Be ready to deny responsibility.
  • Recruit martyrs from another state that are willing to die for Islam.
  • Form a ruling cabal.
  • Send leaders to a state friendly to America and avoid retaliation.
  • Use small lead-lined watercraft to deliver The Bombs.
  • No need to import; all inlets, beaches and waterways are heavily populated.
  • Conduct Hiroshima-Nagasaki style coercion from a remote location.
  • Be patient, the blame-America-first crowd will support the big denial.

    “Intolerant of Western Decadence”

Many Muslims are intolerant of western decadence. Perhaps we can’t blame them. The Information Age has put images of western promiscuity in their face, and it is accelerating at the speed of microchip technology. They are offended and the militant among them intend to stop us.

But we can’t change the reality of progress ofAmerican tolerance of differing views of morality. We are all free - not just those who own a moral monopoly. We are compelled to fight for tolerance or be enslaved by bigots, racists and fascists.

The fall of the Shah of Iran three decades ago left a religious revolutionary dictatorship in place with a dream of a world under Islamic Law. Islamist states and prominent Muslim leaders repeatedly tell us that. And they have created proxies that are implementing this Jihad. And the reality is that they are carrying out what they say. They are the words and actions of Iran, alQaeda Hezbollah and etcetera. Why do we rationalize their aims are regional? Why can't we bring ourselves to admit the terrible reality of religious aggression empowered by WMD..

“The Ayatollah”

When Islamic dictatorship came to power in Iran, the Ayatollah’s very likeness was circulated as an American pop-art icon of fear. The Reagan Administration worried aloud whether Islamic fundamentalism should be confronted. But we had, as does every democracy, little stomach for a serious fight and so we ran away.

That encouraged the enemy to believe they can conquer the West, defeat democracy and replace freedom with tyranny. It is a plan to completely dominate the minds of every non-Muslim. It plans to eliminate the equality of woman and infidels. If it succeeds it will set civilization back hundreds of years. And posterity will condemn our generation for failing to defend liberty against the obvious.

We did not realize the scope of covert Iranian aggression and the size of its brutality or ambition. After twenty years at the vanguard of Islamic revolutionary activities, Iran is at the threshold of acquiring The Bomb. They have admitted their aims, their refining of uranium. Weapons grade (not utility grade) uranium was recently discovered there by UN non proliferation inspectors. But now, as we witness the insatiable thirst for blood and animosity of their proxies it is becoming clear that we are in a fight for survival that we might well lose unless we get serious.

And although we rapidly approach the point of no return, there is a strategy that provides an alternative to Armageddon: It comes down to two tasks. Job One – Prevent dictator imams from creating nukes now! Job Two – let us recognize that we fear no democracy, even those with nuclear weapons!

“Democracy pacifies”

Democracy is our only hope to avert an atomic-powered militant Islamic revolutionary enemy. Democracy is a necessity for our own security, and our very freedom of thought. The inevitability of nuclear weapons proliferation requires that these weapons not be in the hands of one man – a dictator. We cannot kill all religious fanatics – they number in the millions. But hopefully we can prevent them from getting WMD and they will eventually become isolated and disappear into the well being and prosperity of democracy.

The anti-war movement in America has the power to defeat the war effort and it proves the point. Only democracy is vulnerable to propaganda, a by-product of free speech. And some of us fight like hell with free speech when we believe enemy lies, thus – Democracy pacifies.

The quest for universal freedom leaves constitutions, the vote and rule of law, not colonialism. It is essential for world security in the Nuclear Age that politicians are held accountable to the people. Within democracy, violence in the name of the state is unsustainable; the voter rejects war without a clear mandate of self-defense. And even then, their patience for violence is short, and because they have a say – Democracy pacifies.

The free press will exploit enemy propaganda because they are profit-driven. Karl Marx said, "The capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them.” Churchill complained: "Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others.” A free press seeks, emphasizes, and even creates bad news to emblazon every political argument that will sell newspapers and advertising. It is another reason that democracy is the ideal strategy – it pacifies.

Dictators who support terrorism in Iran and Syria cannot be trusted with The Bomb. If we are united we can make terrorists disappear into the peace and prosperity that is found in legitimate self-government – democracy pacifies.

Democracy is the Bush strategy and it is the right one. Thru democracy, the people of the world must have a say over politicians that hold the nuclear sword.

“Dazzling displays of rationalization”

But rejecting the Bush Strategy without a viable one of their own, politicians have gone negative. Turning reason on its head and with dazzling displays of rationalization they say we can’t win; we must run. They attack our leadership at every turn. Atrocities are committed regularly while dissenters act as apologist. They repeat over and over that Israel and America are the focus of evil rather than Islamic revolutionary proxy barbarians, and it demonstrates how democracy pacifies.

"They are just wrong"

Those that blame America first for everything are wrong. Regardless of whether they are patriotic or not, it is shameful that the rhetoric they use is the same as the enemy. With nuclear proliferation in mind let them provide a real and viable alternative to the Bush democracy project – they slander as created by “neocons.” We beg them consider the apocalyptic consequences if we lose the war – if we run away again.

“The Question”

Now many demand we abandon Israel and remaining neutral in the fight. But that begs the questions – Will these maniacs leave us alone if we abandon them? And if not, are we ready for kamikaze nuclear warfare by proxy?

The obvious conclusions presented by these questions are being tested by leftists, who dominate one of the two great American political parties. And they work insidiously and with passionate persistence to destroy our leadership. And still we don’t want to think that we might be in a historic struggle between civilizations.

But on 3/28/06 The Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Governor Kean told the Senate; “. . . A nuclear event is possible, and it would have profound and incalculable consequences and change our way of life. . . . Why isn’t there greater media interest?” (C-span)

“America is in denial”

The answer is that America is in denial. A denial made possible by the mistaken notion we are invincible has poisoned us with overconfidence. It is multiplied by underestimating the enemy. We believe cutthroat, but brilliant, fascists are stupid because they commit suicide and think we can continue to swat them away like flies. The President of Iran’s repeated vows of violence against America are dismissed as bluster even as they are about to go nuclear. We aeem unable to discern the enormous threat if they acquire WMD.

“An alarm should be sounding”

Modern nukes are many times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima. An alarm should be sounding but there is widespread complacency and resistance. Some politicos are ridiculing those who merely articulate this threat as fear and war-mongering. Deeply divided, we are entertaining the notion we can appease fanatics on a mission from God and flee.

But appeasement will not bring peace; there will be no end to enemy demands. And running away will only bring the violence to our shores. We instinctively know that we must wage the war in the Middle East or wage it here. Yet many say the struggle is a “Bush war” – invented for corporate profit. And we are forced to fight with political correctness, changing even the name of the Afghan operation from Infinite Justice because it offended the enemy! We frisk old ladies at the airport for fear of “profiling” accusations. We are forced to tolerate dissenters who promote enemy propaganda and the revelation of military secrets by the mainstream press – Political correctness gone wild - and it pacifies.

Iraqi “Treachery by Proxy”

Denial is a form of ignorance; we cannot imagine Islamic fascists have more in mind than mass murder. While no country can defeat America, nuclear treachery by proxy can. It was Hussein’s advisor Tariq Aziz’s strategy, in tapes released by ABC; “This is not done by a state (WMD attack to kill 200,000 civilians); no need to accuse a state, an individual can do it. Even an American individual in a house, close, to the White House; I mean, they don’t have a logical argument.”

The Sadaam tapes released by ABC are proof of Iraq’s plotting. Within his treacherous plan, Tariq Aziz was detailing to Hussein that America would be unable to stop the attacks without assurance of where or whom the shooter is. Aziz knows we cannot nuke everyone. And thus he identified the weakness of every democracy as, “logical argument” – that can turn a truth into lie, or the reverse. And the propaganda in America exceeds reality; we deny the obvious en mass because - democracy pacifies

Nuclear proliferation and war by proxy makes it wildly irresponsible for Americans to assume the War on Terror ended with Afghanistan. Stateless terrorists are throughout the entire Middle East. And stateless terrorists being invulnerable to retaliation makes them far more dangerous than any country.

"Covert action"

But more ominous, a terrorist group need not even deliver nukes but simply pass on taking credit. Covert action by nations like Iran that have motivation to vanquish America, regardless of who takes credit, can deliver a bomb. And the act can be blamed on loose-cannon phantom terrorists with the same ideology – Proxies.

“Hidden in any waterway”

Massive destructive power makes nuclear weapons unnecessary to import. They need only be close. Small watercraft can be fitted to support suicide delivery. A small boat or 2-man sub lined with lead and hidden in any waterway is the vehicle. The strategy is difficult to defend against, even with severe boating restrictions and a wartime footing —no mistakes allowed . . .

At the first detonation all nations will deny complicity, and we can expect at least one more to force capitulation. We could not know if other weapons were in place, and unsure of the location of the shooter. A demand for “surrender or suffer another” vis-à-vis Hiroshima, will come by way of AlJazeera from a stateless Jihad cabal: the Taliban, alQaeda, Hezbollah or etc. Rejecting reality will not prevent the inevitable.

"Shades of the founding Fathers"

The Founding Fathers urged militias rather than standing armies. For a standing army can be used to subdue the population. Understand, we’d have no choice; just as Japan’s ferocious military was subdued by nuclear-coercion, should we be, our Joint Chief of Staffs will be controlled by mullahs. And they will use the most powerful military in history to enforce Islamic Law against infidels throughout the world. It is the Islamic revolutionary dream; think they haven’t thought of it?

"The cost of the war"

The left likes to claim how expensive the war is. But the ongoing wars on drugs and poverty have been far more costly than the War on Terror. Medicare alone is a far greater expense. After 3 years of battle, fewer have died in combat than the 3000 innocent people mass-murdered on September 11th. The fight against Islamic fascism nevertheless is a fight more deadly and a greater threat to our way of life.

Every life is precious; too many have been sacrificed in the unending fight for freedom. But allied casualties are historically low; at a rate that would take three hundred years of battle to match the sacrifice of WWII. Nevertheless WWII was not as great a threat; we were the only one with nuclear weapons. In WWII we knew where the shooter was.

“Correcting tactical errors”

It will take time to build functioning republics out of a medieval culture that still has kings and despots. Mistakes will be made; someone said, “Every tactical plan looks good until you meet the enemy.” But there is no question that our military is correcting tactical errors.

Meanwhile beware of those who use the same rhetoric as the enemy. They slander the President and call him liar; they think he is stupid. But those who pass on enemy propaganda are arrogant and divisive when we need unity. “A house divided cannot stand;” only phony democrats would argue that some people can’t handle democracy; it is heresy.

"Hussein was a threat to the world"

Militarily, Iraq is brilliant; besides moving the battlefront to where it belongs, together with Afghanistan it surrounds Iran. There is no question that Hussein was a threat to the world. He rewarded $25,000 to families of suicide bombers – a huge incentive to aspiring terrorists. He assaulted and invaded neighbors three times, used nerve gas and bombed Israel with Scud missiles. He was hostile to UN nuke inspectors and attacked those commissioned to enforce terms of surrender after he was kicked out of Kuwait. In a brazen act of war, he attempted to assassinate a sitting President. After 9/11, Bush could not assume Hussein was benign and did the right thing.

“The right plan”

President Bush has the right plan and acts decisively. His legacy will be large beyond imagination. And though he is hampered by a rabid opposition, we have yet to hear an alternative strategy that does not include appeasement, complacency and running away to wait for the mushroom cloud.

A clone of our constitution was embraced by the 1946 Japanese. And look at them now, a model of prosperity and friendship – a long way from the kamikaze mentality. Once a fearful and suicidal enemy, they are now peaceful. And Japan is far from alone. Universal suffrage can and will free humanity from this crucible.

We shout out the challenge one last time: GIVE US AN ALTERNATIVE; one that does not require running away to wait for the inevitable. Honestly though, there is none other. And we must unite behind it. Democracy, no matter how difficult to implement, must be made to work. For it is the only viable alternative to Armageddon.

"Be encouraged "

The noblest goal of all is to free humanity; “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Be encouraged that Israel has joined the fight, by the birth of democracy in both Afghanistan and Iraq and by the people of the Middle East’s, determination to vote in the face of threats. Any birth brings labor and struggle, but the birth of liberty will bring forth blessings to all who are released from bondage.


We must face this threat to liberty reunited. If this generation fails to persevere, liberty will perish under nuclear coercion. If we lose, our life will change drastically, especially for women. If Americans can overcome denial, and if we prevail, posterity shall be forever grateful. Democracy must survive and it will. If allowed a few revolutions at the polls, politicians will learn that they will be rejected if they seek aggression – and the people will learn to hold politicians accountable.

“The Sobering Facts”

The Deputy Undersecretary of Energy for Counterterrorism, Dr. Steven Aoki; gave a statement before the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security on July 27, 2006 on ”the Department of Energy's (DOE) efforts to improve our nation's capabilities to detect, interdict, and attribute threats involving nuclear weapons or weapons-usable nuclear materials introduced covertly into our country.”
“. . . Nuclear terrorism may be the single most catastrophic threat that this nation faces - we must do everything we can to ensure against its occurrence. That threat could derive from two principal sources. First, state sponsors of terrorism could seek to employ indigenously developed nuclear weapons covertly in the United States because of an inability, or unwillingness, to deliver them via more traditional delivery means. (The state sponsor would be incinerated.) Second, covert delivery by sub-national terrorist groups (alQueda, Hezbolla, etc,), either at the bidding of a state sponsor supplying the nuclear warhead or on their own via purchasing or stealing a warhead, is also a concern. (!) Terrorists could acquire a nuclear weapon from a nuclear weapons state (few 10's to few 100's of kilotons).” (Hiroshima - 15 kilotons, the equivalent of 15 thousand tons of dynamite killed 200,000 people.)

Doctor Aoki continues: “A state sponsor of terrorism may be deterred from conducting a covert nuclear attack or providing nuclear weapons to terrorist organizations if it believes that the U.S. has credible capabilities to attribute such devices to their source and the will (Democracy has difficulty sustaining the will) to retaliate against both the state sponsor and any terrorists. (If you can find them) An attribution capability will be critical to actions taken in response to prevent follow-on attacks, (a Hiroshima-Nagasaki style nuclear coercion – Surrender or have another.) and provide as well a means for law enforcement agencies to bring perpetrators to justice. A lot of hard work remains in fleshing out both the technical and policy dimensions of attribution. “

“Active efforts are underway in such areas as advanced radiation sensors and sensor systems development, identification and detection of alternative signatures for special nuclear materials, and advanced radiation detection materials development. . . . (T)he low energy gamma rays emitted from U-235 can be easily shielded from radiation detectors - this reduces the standoff capability of detector systems and/or requires much greater detector time to acquire a signal. (Disappointing news) The country's best minds at the national laboratories, academia, and industry are exploring not only technology development for immediate deployment, but also the boundaries of science to determine if there are new technologies, techniques or methodologies that would provide a significant increase in nuclear detection capabilities.” (Sounds like there is little confidence in the defenses we have).

Doctor Aoki continues: The willingness of an organization such as Al Queda to sacrifice the lives of its members in suicidal attacks to achieve political objectives suggests that previous concepts of (nuclear) deterrence based on threats of punitive retaliation simply don't apply.”

Give woman the vote”

The only mandate President Bush made of both the Afghan and Iraq constitutions was the inclusion of woman in the political process. It was brilliant. Mothers need peace within which to raise their children. And therefore, give woman the vote and democracy and there will be peace. I hope you will join me in support of the project for democracy . . . let freedom ring.


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