Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bush has Iran Surrounded

Just in case you haven’t noticed, Bush has Iran surrounded. There is no doubt special forces have penetrated the border on each side to reconnoiter the nuclear situation. In case you haven’t noticed Syria is surrounded as well, on both sides by Israel and American troops.

My countrymen we must pull together. Now more than ever we need unity to further the cause of democracy. It is a grave situation. Consider the enemy carefully. Do they want to negotiate? I don’t think so. And really, neither do you. They are coming.

We will not call anyone traitor, but it is disgraceful that the rhetoric of the left is more and more evolving into the propaganda of Osama bin Laden. The truth hurts; I know it must if you love your country. The tapes of bin Laden’s propaganda rants sound like a speaker at the DNC. And the truth hurts; I know it must if you love your country. The question is why do democrats support Hezbollah or al Qaeda, if not in spirit, in fact? I know the truth hurts; it must if you love this country.

Aiding and abetting the enemy by couching propaganda in slogans: “We support the troops, Dissent is patriotic, and Bush lied, people died” et al are unwitting, at best, thinly disguised aid and assistance to the ends of the enemy. The truth hurts; I know it must if you love your country.

Islamic fascists told us they were coming. If they get nukes they will strike at us with Hiroshima style coercion. They fight by proxy so we will not know for sure where to strike back. The stakes are high; we can lose.

Many are still fooled or simply recalcitrant. And many have stopped watching the news. But “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. For God’s sake how much evidence does one need to recognize vicious Fascist aggression?

The alternative to fighting them now may be tyranny tomorrow. if we wait to fight them later, they will have much bigger weapons. They are barbaric and cruel, hiding behind woman and children. And soon they will get The Bomb. People who are on a suicide mission from God will not be stopped.

Let us settle it now; later may be too late. Let Israel meet us in Damascus and Tehran. If we wait to fight, we will eventually die nuclear style. Suicide delivery needs no missile, and no need to import. Close is a catastrophe. If we don’t fight them now we will isolate ourselves to wait for the mushroom cloud, and coercion. No one will like being ruled by mullahs

Those who dissent must stop interfering with the fight legitimated by 9/11. We are duty bound to preserve freedom for posterity. If you don’t want to get in the fight, for the sake of unity you need to stop passing along propaganda identical to the fascists.

The better red than dead crowd can give up the fight and run away, but the brave must step up to fight for liberty. It is a mandate to the preservation of government “of and by the people.” It is our duty to posterity. Join me in the noblest goal all: to free all those suffering under tyranny.


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